Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Eyes on the Future

Where are you headed, and where is everyone else headed?  What will the world be like in ten years?

It's important to keep your eyes on the future, and it's exciting too.  Just think you can be part of this transformation.

I'll collect "future posts" here, vignettes, lists, and articles about what's to come.  Take a look when you're interested.  I'll continue to add.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Leading Your Child's Learning

As a parent, you are one important leader in your child's learning life.

Important routines and structure for learning start as soon as you bring your newborn home.

The toys you buy, the books you read, the music you listen to, the television you watch, and programs you download all contribute to your child's learning, interests, and world view.  Hence, it's important to be deliberate about the choices you make, and what you expose your child too.

Quickly your child will begin to affect your choices by his/her needs, interests, and desires. Children will gravitate to some books and toys more than others, some music more than others, and some programs more than others.  That information is telling about who your child is, and what they will be.

But only exposing your child to that which he or she is interested in could be limiting; at young ages it's best to expose your child to a broad menu of places, people, and things.  Let them know what's out there in the world of learning.  Yet, don't structure their time too much as children need time for play, exploration, imagination, and problem solving.

As your child's first teacher, you have a substantial responsibility to get your child started in learning with enthusiasm and positivity--the foundation you set will make an important difference in their later success and learning appetite. Enjoy the journey.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

You Will Make Mistakes

If you're a learner, you will make mistakes.

The more you're willing to reach and risk, the more mistakes you'll make.

The more mistakes you make, the greater you'll be able to navigate mistakes and make those mistakes work for you.  Mistakes will become common, accepted, and less worrisome.

Making mistakes work for you means that you analyze a mistake, find the meaning in it, and apply that meaning to future endeavor.

There are some mistakes however that you can't turn back from, and you must keep a short list of those errors in your mind. These are mistakes you never want to make, mistakes like angry words, dangerous physical actions, careless process with health and safety procedures, and actions you can't reverse.

Also, own your mistakes.  Those who mask and cover up error, waste their own time and the time and potential of others.  Recently a person in my midst made an error that was somewhat substantial, but he owned the error right away which meant we could research and remedy.  The result was learning for all, and no ill effect.  Had the individual masked the error, the result could have been physically damaging to a person.  Owning error and mistake matters.

Learners who fear mistakes, don't grow. They never get to experience the joy and result of work that's taken enormous risk, endeavor, vision, and reach.  Hence, learning today includes error and mistake, learn from it and move forward.

Follow your vision, right mistakes and learn from them, and move forward.  That's what vigorous, promising learning is all about.

Friday, October 11, 2013


Every child brings a dream to the world.

You can see it in their eyes.

You can hear it in their words.

You can watch it in their play.

Their dreams hold the promise for a better world.

When we nurture their dreams, we too are inspired

For we see the promise that they bring.

Every child brings a dream to the world.



No one knows it all.

We all bring our own experiences, knowledge set, ideas, and dreams to the table.

No one is right, and no one is wrong.

Debate is the process of weaving our ideas together into something strong and wonderful.

When we fear debate, we stall or limit potential.

We all have something to share.

Welcome the conversation, discussion, and share.



Lots of grownups are afraid of play.

They think play is only for children, and they forget that we learn a lot when we play.

When we play, we get to the heart of learning.

We risk.  We explore.  We invent.  We create.

Play is definitely underrated in the adult world.

Yet, play is a great path to discovery and learning.

Speak Up

Too many people in our world stay silent.

That silence hinders potential and promise.

Speak up.  Share your story.  Tell your point of view, and respect others.

If more people spoke up in our world, we'd have a more just and happy world.

Silence limits our potential.

Speak up!